The submissions must be sent to in a MS word document. We receive submissions on a rolling basis on any contemporary socio-legal topics for our blog series.

For the journal, separate calls are issued from time to time.

Authors are expected to submit articles of length not more than 1500 words. Authors are requested to adhere to the word limit.

Font Style

The manuscript submitted by the author(s) must adhere to the following rules-

  1. The manuscript submitted must be in Times New Roman.
  2. The line spacing must be 1.5 for the main text and 1 for the footnotes.
  3. The font size of the title – 14, Bold and underlined;
    font size of headings -12 and bold;
    and the font size of the body – 12.

The authors are requested to strictly adhere to the aforementioned formatting guidelines, failing which the submission may be rejected.

Citation Style

  • 20th Bluebook Edition
  • The author(s) are kindly requested to provide footnotes. Endnotes or hyperlinks won’t be accepted.

Other instructions

  • The author/authors are requested to give a written undertaking that the manuscripts submitted are original pieces of work and has not been plagiarized nor has been published or is in consideration for publishing in any other place.
  • The author/authors are requested not to mention their names or any other details related to them in the body of the manuscript. A separate cover letter needs to be sent by the author(s) consisting of the names, profession and university/firm/place of work.